新冠肺炎》日內瓦 WHO FCTC 會議延期2021舉辦

據《世界衛生組織WHO》消息,鑑於新冠肺炎(COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2)全球大流行及其對國際全球會議和旅行的影響,由COP8和MOP1選出的主席團在與主辦國協商後,決定延後召開第九屆締約方大會。原定於2020年11月舉行的世界衛生組織煙草控制框架公約 WHO FCTC(COP9)和《消除菸草製品非法貿易議定書》締約方第二次會議(MOP2)不可能如期舉辦。
因此,主席團在與主辦國和 WHO FCTC 秘書處協商後,於2020年4月21日舉行的第三次聯席會議上決定將COP9和MOP2的會議推遲至以下日期:
WHO FCTC COP9:2021年11月8日至13日,MOP2:2021年11月15日至17日。
COP9 and MOP2 postponed to November 2021. Stay tuned
In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic and its impact on the conduct of international global conferences and travel, the Bureaus elected by COP8 and MOP1, after consulting the host country, have decided that convening the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC (COP9) and the Second Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (MOP2), scheduled for November 2020, is no longer possible.
As a result, the Bureaus, in consultation with the host country and the Secretariat, decided during their Third Joint Meeting on 21 April 2020 to postpone the sessions of COP9 and MOP2 to the following dates:
COP9: 8–13 November 2021; .
MOP2: 15–17 November 2021.
The meetings will convene on those dates in The Hague, Netherlands.
PMI CEO:無煙產品需明智規管,菸草界應參與FCTC COP9會議