BLACKPINK Jennie抽電子菸惹議 王郁揚強調無燃燒菸草沒二手菸草煙霧

BLACKPINK Jennie抽電子菸惹議 王郁揚強調無燃燒菸草沒二手菸草煙霧。圖:X/@jennie, @nona15648321
BLACKPINK 成員 Jennie 因疑似在室內吸電子菸的影片流出而引發爭議。有媒體指出,影片中她疑似將二手菸吐在工作人員臉上,這一行為引起了大量網友的不滿與撻伐。
針對此事件,世衛菸草減害專家王郁揚表示: 一、電子菸沒有燃燒菸草,不會產生二手煙(Second-hand smoke)。 二、電子菸沒有燃燒菸草,不會產生煙霧(Smoke)。 三、室內能否使用電子菸,應依各國法律規定處理。
王郁揚強調,電子菸與傳統香菸的原理不同,不會產生對他人有害的菸草煙霧(Tobacco Smoke)。然而,各國對於室內使用電子菸的法規各不相同,應依據當地的法律規範來決定是否允許在室內使用電子菸;至於衛福部、董氏基金會、台灣醫藥界多年來不斷強調的「電子菸有二手菸(second-hand tobacco)」錯誤認知作戰,本人也莫可奈何。
8 things to know about e-cigarettes
John Newton, 5 March 2020 – Health Improvement
6. Harms to bystanders
The evidence is clear that exposure to second hand smoke is harmful, which is why the UK has laws prohibiting smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces. These laws do not cover vaping and organisations are free to make their own policies on vaping on their premises.
E-cigarette liquid is typically composed of nicotine, propylene glycol and/or glycerine, and flavourings. Unlike cigarettes, there is no side-stream vapour emitted by an e-cigarette into the atmosphere, just the exhaled aerosol.
Our 2018 report found there have been no identified health risks of passive vaping to bystanders and our 2022 report will review the evidence again. People with asthma and other respiratory conditions can be sensitive to a range of environmental irritants, and PHE advises organisations to take this into account and make adjustments to policies where appropriate.
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