
近日,Philip Morris韓國公司在宣傳其 iQOS 已獲得美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)授權的同時,呼籲政府應針對加熱菸草製品製定單獨的規範。
PMK常務董事Paik Young-jay在現場直播的新聞發布會上表示「如果成年吸菸者獲得了錯誤的資訊,並且沒有使用無煙代用品/減害菸品的菸害防制政策來幫助他們,他們將繼續抽普通香菸,這是最有害的選擇。」
Philip Morris Korea says iQOS brings ‘reduced risk’
Calls for separate regulations for heated cigarettes citing FDA’s recognition of ‘modified risk’
Managing Director at Philip Morris Korea Paik Young-jay (Philip Morris Korea)
Philip Morris Korea on Wednesday called on the government to introduce separate regulations for heat-not-burn cigarettes as it touted the authorization by the US Food and Drug Administration of its Iqos.
The FDA decided in July to authorize the marketing of the company’s electronically heated tobacco system as a modified risk tobacco product as the industry’s first. The company said it will also provide any additional information required by the FDA to acquire the right to market Iqos as “reduced risk” products going forward.
“If adult smokers are given incorrect information and policy to help them switch (to electronic cigarettes) doesn’t exist, they will continue to smoke regular cigarettes, which is the most harmful [choice],” said Paik Young-jay, Managing Director at PMK during a livestreamed press conference.
The company refreshed calls on the government to follow the footsteps of the US and set policies based on scientific evidence.
The comments come as the government has proposed multiple bills in recent months to toughen regulations on heated cigarettes, including a tax increase and requiring health warning labels.
The FDA has acknowledged the products have “modified” the risk associated with tobacco use, while PMK is pushing for the authority to recognize the risk has not only been modified but also “reduced.”
PMK also noted that the FDA itself doesn’t “approve” of tobacco products in general and that Iqos is also not risk-free.
‘FDA designation of IQOS as modified risk should change regulatory regime’
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